Carlos Eire is a noted author and a professor at Yale and has written a beautiful biography of St. Theresa of Avila. He is also Cuban. Here are some selected comments from him on the protests in Cuba:
The military junta that rules Cuba has just received a great shock. For the first time since Fidel Castro created a totalitarian communist dictatorship six decades ago, thousands of Cubans have taken to the streets from one end of the island to the other, chanting “liberty,” “down with the dictatorship,” and “down with communism.” And it is coming mostly from young Cubans, the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the so-called revolution.
READ MOREContinuous Latin and English text with reduced rubrics are included for Sundays (no page-jumping required), and complete Mass propers are offered in English for weekdays and feasts of each month.
Morning and Evening Devotions: Enter the broader stream of Catholic liturgy with daily excerpts included from both Lauds and Vespers of the 1960 Breviarum Romanum, the official morning and evening hours of prayer used by clergy and religious throughout the world.
READ MOREMagnificat is a spiritual guide to help you develop your prayer life, grow in your spiritual life, find a way to a more profound love for Christ, and participate in the holy Mass with greater fervor.
Magnificat is a monthly publication designed for daily use, to encourage both liturgical and personal prayer. It can be used to follow daily Mass and can also be read at home or wherever you find yourself for personal or family prayer.
READ MOREIrrationality, the abdication of reason, the annihilation of critical judgment and the denial of evidence are the true pandemic virus of our time, which in rebellion against God manifests a delirium of omnipotence and in collective madness reveals the just nemesis of this wicked challenge… Each of us has been desired, thought of, and created in order to give glory to God and to be part of a great design of Providence. From all eternity the Lord has called us to share with Him in the work of Redemption, to cooperate in the salvation of souls and the triumph of the Good.
READ MOREContinuous Latin and English text with reduced rubrics are included for Sundays (no page-jumping required), and complete Mass propers are offered in English for weekdays and feasts of each month.
Morning and Evening Devotions: Enter the broader stream of Catholic liturgy with daily excerpts included from both Lauds and Vespers of the 1960 Breviarum Romanum, the official morning and evening hours of prayer used by clergy and religious throughout the world.
READ MOREMagnificat is a spiritual guide to help you develop your prayer life, grow in your spiritual life, find a way to a more profound love for Christ, and participate in the holy Mass with greater fervor.
Magnificat is a monthly publication designed for daily use, to encourage both liturgical and personal prayer. It can be used to follow daily Mass and can also be read at home or wherever you find yourself for personal or family prayer.
READ MOREIrrationality, the abdication of reason, the annihilation of critical judgment and the denial of evidence are the true pandemic virus of our time, which in rebellion against God manifests a delirium of omnipotence and in collective madness reveals the just nemesis of this wicked challenge… Each of us has been desired, thought of, and created in order to give glory to God and to be part of a great design of Providence. From all eternity the Lord has called us to share with Him in the work of Redemption, to cooperate in the salvation of souls and the triumph of the Good.
READ MOREShould President Biden Be Admitted to Holy Communion? The simple answer is, “No,” owing to his public and unwavering support for legalized abortion. Canon 915 of the Code of Canon Law states: “Those...obstinately persevering in manifest grave sin are not to be admitted to holy communion.” Abortion, the killing of innocent unborn children, is a grave sin, as is the legalization and promotion of this heinous practice. It’s a criminal violation of an unborn person’s right to life.
READ MORECultural Marxism is the Marxist dialectic fused with Freudian theory and applied to identity and culture. Dialectic is the art of investigating or discussing the truth of opinions. Like all forms of Marxism, it is based upon categorizing people into abstract groups and then creating a narrative of historical oppression between them. The strategy of Marxists is always to cultivate a victimized group and then convince its members that solidarity is required against the oppressors. This creates resentment and hatred and is how Marxist ideologies fulfill their revolutionary objectives.
READ MOREThis conference is scheduled for May 6 to May8. The cover-photo on the conference-website features spoof of Michelangelo’s Creation of Man in the Sistine chapel. It has God’s hand Adam’s hand touching with rubber gloves. The invited to the Conference are a number of individuals who support abortion, population control via abortion/contraception, new age pseudo-religions and big pharmacy. Involved in this is a concerted effort on the part of many institutions to invent a universal religion superseding particular religions to create a universal religion uniting humanity. This has been the goal of Freemasons, secularists, some atheists, and various political ideologies. The will of Jesus is that all be united as one in Him in His Church. Click on this link to sign the petition and learn more about this Conference:
Many people, while understanding the meaning of the sacraments, have never heard of sacramentals.
Sacramentals are sacred signs instituted by the holy Church, which bear a resemblance to the sacraments. They signify effects, of a spiritual nature, which are obtained through the intercession of the Church. By these people are disposed to receive the chief effects of the sacraments and various occasions in life are rendered holy.
READ MOREWe are placed between the things of this world, and spiritual goods from which eternal happiness consists: so that the more we cleave to the one, the more we withdraw from the other, and vice versa. Wherefore whoever cleaves wholly to the things of this world, so as to make them his reason for living, and to look upon them as the reason and rule of all he does, falls away altogether from spiritual goods. Hence this disorder is removed by the commandments.
READ MOREOur bishops ask us to oppose The Equality Act which discriminates against people of faith and threatens unborn life. Tell Congress to oppose it. To contact your representatives click here.