
Where Are the Children? The Death-Cult of Eco-Feminism

02-12-2023Weekly Reflection

“The end of the family is threefold: to provide its members in body and mind with the necessities for an ordered life; to bring up the children; to be the cell of society. Upon these individual social existential ends rests the primacy of the family among all other social units, including the state…(T)he family is prior to the state and holds natural rights which the state is bound to recognize…”

...the final battle between the Lord and the reign of Satan will be about marriage and the family.
—The Servant of God, Sister Lucia Marto

“Christ gave divine sanction to this natural order in the sacred character of the family by his birth of a woman and by his life and work in his family. In his teaching the family is the first and most important social unit”.
—Johannes Messner, Social Ethics, Natural Law in the Western World

Anthony Esolen in a recent article in Crisis Magazine pointed out: One of the demands of Catholic social teaching is that there should be societies, groups of human beings who gather to promote the common good, or to enjoy a good that can only be had, or can best be had, if we are in groups, especially if we are united by kinship, friendship, a common love, or the worship of God. And one of the most obvious features of contemporary life is that it is destructive of societies. Many are its weapons of social destruction. Individualism is one, whether in its form as the pursuit of wealth, ambition, or power, or in its form as sexual action without regard to marriage and the welfare of children.

Collectivism, the twin brother that individualism pretends to despise, is another, as the state attempts to ameliorate the social dissolution it has helped to cause in the first place, by means that spread salve on the wounds but exacerbate and prolong the disease. In short order, people no longer remember how many and various were the things they used to do for themselves, their kin, their neighbors, and their fellow parishioners. And the family, both the foundational human society and the principal end for which we establish many of our other societies, grows frail and sickly. You can read the whole article here: societies

Esolen points out:

The Church’s teachings regarding sex and marriage are ineradicable from her social teachings generally, as you may discover for yourself if you read, for example, the encyclicals of Pope Leo XIII. To sell yourself as a proponent of her social teachings while you deny or disparage what she says about fornication, adultery, homosexuality, abortion, and divorce, is to be selling vitamins laced with arsenic. The vitamins are good, but the arsenic will make sure there are fewer bodies for the vitamins to invigorate. Or it is like building a house without a foundation: it will fall in the next storm. He goes on to describe the vibrant social life in the Pennsylvania town he grew up in with a vibrant Catholic community and the cooperation that existed between that community and the local government and public school.

This would all be decimated by the collapse of Catholic life in the late sixties and the decline of the family and children casualties in the sexual revolution that was taking place in that era. How true and how sad is his observation: …children, outdoors, not controlled directly by adults(emphasis added) but under their general and informal supervision, were essential to a thriving city life. Where there are no children—because no one is having them, or because the state has absorbed more and more of their time, or because the public square bristles with grave moral hazards—you can talk all you want about Catholic social teaching; there will be no real society for it to apply to. That should not be a hard lesson for us to learn. Catholic laywoman and teacher Mary Eberstadt points to, as a key factor in the decline of children, the family, and the crisis in the Church to this: Between 1963 and 1966 what happened was the sexual revolution and the decline of and attacks on the family. She states: Most colleges have a “hook-up” culture: casual sex allegedly without consequences or commitment.

By the way there are always consequences and harm in this behavior the biggest being mortal sin: the loss of union with God, the Blessed Trinity. Christian teaching she remarked remains on a collision course with the sexual revolution. She noted: The promise of sex without consequences may be the strongest collective temptation humanity has ever faced. There is no end of the clever forms of self-delusion that men and women can invent to convince themselves that the post-revolutionary order is the “only” order sanctioned by progress. And they are aided in that effort by clerics, who yearn like most people to be liked in all the better places, and who will make two plus two equal five, if that’s what it takes. How many clerics seek to “baptize” aberrant sexual behavior and its political ideology in defiance of Scripture, Commandments, and the teachings of the Church, yielding to heresy, and for some apostasy, while holding themselves out as Catholic clergy? This is apparent in sectors of the Church, like Germany, claiming that this is synodality. Their notion of synodality is secular democracy where doctrine is decided by votes!

The whole contraception and abortion industry and its ideology has contributed to aging and disappearing populations in Europe, China, and the U.S. presaging a collapse of those societies, if continued, because of the absent of youth. Green ideology is anti-child. Commentator Paul Krause makes the observation: Everywhere one looks it is women—often single, unmarried, or divorced—who lead the siren calls for the new environmentalism and the “Green New Deal.” These same women also vocally support abortion and transgenderism no matter the cost. They equally despise the spiritual institution of the family and all language of God the Father. This is somewhat overstated. This applies to some young women especially those radicalized and politicized by today’s politically correct college campuses. Extreme feminist ideology often speaks of toxic masculinity while ignoring its own radical toxicity. You can read Krause’s article here:

Krause provides various points to consider:

Per Faxneld, no orthodox Christian, a historian, wrote a book called Satanic Feminism about first-wave feminists of the 19th century and their satanic commentary. “Nineteenth-century feminists often felt they somehow had to deal with male chauvinists’ use of the story in Genesis 3.” To achieve this, the feminists presented “Eve [as] a heroine and the serpent benevolent.” The intent of the feminist movement was never equal rights, the right to vote, or economic opportunity but the outright destruction of the family with the husband, the father, as the primary target of destruction.

Marx explained the origins of inequality not from economic competition, as generally assumed, but from the sexual division of labor and male headship of the family. The family, according to Marx, is the root of inequality and oppression. Those who follow Marx must necessarily reach the same conclusion, as 19th century feminists, who worshiped Satan as a liberator of women: the destruction of the family, the emasculation of men, and the androgenization of sexuality must all occur if “equality” and the empowerment of women is to be consummated. Such empowerment arises only through power-struggle and the destruction of the other. The demonization of men follows from the Marxist-Feminist mind.

Abortion is a lynchpin of the eco-feminist theology because abortion is the surest way of destroying the family and ensuring its complete dissolution. All of this is promoted in the name of liberation, freedom, and saving Mother Earth. God the Father is completely alien to the eco-feminists who believe all the evils of the world are the product of the family. Family is alien to the eco-feminists who believe that family is the first instantiation of inequality “where wife and children are the slaves of the husband.” Life itself is alien to radical eco-feminists; for them, the family, the very cell from which life emerges, only leads to the maintenance of oppressive power relations and the pillage of Mother Earth.

The eco-feminist ideology masquerading as a new salvation-theology that permeates the former lands of Christendom is the result of the dissolution of the sacred institution of marriage, the emasculation of men, and the replacement of God the Father with a victimized “Mother” who has been transgressed by the violence of male domination and oppression which forever perpetuates men as agents of evil. The antidote to eco-feminism is the end of abortion and the family as the “original cell” of society and human life as part of the natural order. Moreover, no Christian revival no societal revival will occur without the reconstitution of the nuclear family’s central role in society and salvation: father, mother, children.